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Oven cooked Turkey salad
2 cups of lettuce
1 cup of spinach
1 cup of Arugula
1 fresh avocado
Small tomatoes
Sesame seeds
Salt and pepper
Wash all the veggies in a big container with cold water, you can place a cube of ice to preserve it better. Drain it and place in a big bowl.
Wash the avocado with cold water , cut in two portions and save the seed.
Cut in smaller portions. Add the seed to preserve the green color with small spray of lemon juice.
Place your veggies in a salad plate . Decorate with avocado .
Individually Roll 4 slides of smoked turkey and cut in 4 pieces. Place those in circular way. Place a small tomato in the center forming a beautiful flower.
Spread some salt and pepper according to your taste.
This beautiful salad is low in calories, rich in good nutrients , vitamins, minerals and fiber Remember to build your own healthy plate today!
Ensalada de Pavo al horno.
Ingredientes :
2 tazas de lechuga
1 taza de espinacas
1 taza de arangula
1 aguacate fresco
Tomates pequenos
Semillas de ajonjoli
Sal y Pimienta al gusto
Lava los vegetales y colocalos en un recipiente largo con agua fria y 2 cubos de hielo. Drena el agua minutos mas tarde y colocala en el recipiente que vas a servir en la mesa.
Lava el aguacate con agua fria y cortalo en dos mitades. Preserva la semilla para que el aguacate no cambie de color. Cortalo en porciones pequenas y rosealo con agua de limon.
Coloca los vegetales organizados a tu gusto y decoralos con aguacate.
Aparte toma 4 tajadas de pavo hecho al horno y enrollalas. Cortalas en 4 pedazos. Colocalos en forma circular para hacer una flor con un tomate pequeno en el centro.
Coloca la sal, pimienta, el oregano , eneldo y las semillas de ajonjoli para decorar.
Esta bella ensalada es baja en calorias, rica en nutrientes, vitaminas, minerales y fibra.
Recuerda hacer un plato saludable el dia de hoy !

Flexi-Veggie Salad
4 cups of spinach
2 slides of tofu
Smoked salmon
Chia seeds
Salt and pepper according to your taste.
Wash and cut spinach in small pieces, cut cucumber and mix both ingredients
Place in a plate. Cut 2 slides of tofu and decorate your salad; then roll smoked salad forming flowers
Spread some chia seeds and 1 tbs of almonds.
Dressing option: vinegar or Greek yogurt.
This salad is Flexi Vegetarian. It has nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber that will help you to keep your digestive system on track and will help you to balance your weight due to low calorie content. Enjoy it !
Bone appetite !
4 tazas de espinacas
Pepino cohombro
2 tajadas de tofu
Salmon ahumado
Semillas de chia
Almendras:1 cucharada.
Sal y pimiento de acuerdo a tu gusto
Lava las espinacas y cortalas en pedazos pequenos, corta pepino cohombro y mezcla los dos ingredients. Colocalos en un plato. Corta el tofu y decora tu ensalada, enrolla el salmon ahumado y forma flores con el mismo. Decora tu plato . Esparce las semillas de chia y las Almendras. Coloca la sal y la pimienta al gusto.
Esta ensalada es Flexi vegetariana. Posee nutrientes, vitaminas, minerales y fibra para mantener tu Sistema digestivo en buena forma, y te ayuda a regular tu peso por su bajo porcentaje calorico. Disfrutala en tu almuerzo o cena.
Buen apetito !
This delicious beverage can be enjoyed cold during summer and hot during fall, winter and spring.
It's easy to do:
1 cup of water per serve
1 green tea bag
Milk (evaporated, lactose-free, fat-free, whole, coconut, almond)
Sugar, honey, stevia, Splenda or other alternatives.
Boil water in a pan, add green tea
Blend milk for 2 minutes
Serve in a tea cup and then add milk blended. Decorate with cinnamon
Enjoy it !!!
Green tepuchino
Esta bebida es para difrutarla fria durante el Verano y caliente durante el otoño, invierno y primavera.
Es refrescante y muy saludable.
1 taza de agua
1 bolsa de te verde
1 pizca de cinamon
Leche evaporada, sin lactosa, completa, de almendras, coco, soya o otras alternativas.
Azucar, miel, Stevia, splenda o otros….
Hierve el agua en una olla, adiciona el te verde.
Licua leche hasta obtener una espuma por 2 minutos
Sirve en una taza de te, decora con la leche y ponle una pizca de canela.
Endulzalo a tu gusto.
Delfina Trillos
Health coach

Spring Salad
Greens (veggies that you prefer)
Greek Yogurt
Smoked salmon
Chia Seeds
Mix veggies in a bowl, incorporate kale, tomatoes. Decorate with olives, almonds, smoked salmon, and tofu. Sprinkle chia seeds.
Enjoy it.
This delicious salad is a low calory meal. Rich vitamins, minerals, and nutrients; that will help you to keep your immune system working well.

Thank you to my friend Lashki that give this recipe for us to be healthier.
Mulberries (alternative: your favorite berries)
Mix ingredients in a big bowl to incorporate flavors, add salt, pepper according to your taste.
For dressing, you can use vinegar and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Alfredo's Chicken with mushrooms
Chicken 1 or 2 pieces
Portobello Mushrooms
Greek yogurt
Sesame seeds, chia seeds.
Preparation time 20 minutes.
Cook the chicken in a pan with water, 1 tablespoon of wine, salt, and pepper; until water boil. Be sure chicken its cooked inside.
Place chicken in another pan, spread with sesame and chia seeds.Put into the oven 350 degrees by 10 minutes.
Pick up your favorite Portobello mushrooms, fill those with greek yogurt and mozzarella cheese. Put into the oven with chicken for 5 minutes until cheese is melted.
Serve with your favorite green salad or brown rice.
Enjoy this delicious recipe!

Let's be creative with fruits
Sometimes, in some way is difficult to make our children enjoy fruits and veggies.
We can create a beautiful plate that will invite them to eat more fruits and be healthier.
For more information.
Delfina Trillos
Health coach, brain coach

Tree tomatoes salad
This is a simple salad that you can enjoy at any time during lunch, dinner.
Its low calorie, rich in vitamins and nutrients.
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Letters, greens, olives, avocado, cranberries, nuts.
Mix all greens, cut avocados into small pieces, spread nuts, and berries.
Decorate with 3 tomatoes in the center.
Enjoy it !!!!

Strawberries with dark chocolate
This is a healthy recipe that will help you keep your sweet teeth on track.
Low calorie, rich in vitamins and nutrients.
7 strawberries
Dark chocolate
Place strawberries in a plate. Decorate as your taste.
Shred dark chocolate over strawberries.
Place into fridge for 10 minutes
Enjoy it!!
Este es un postre que podras disfrutar cuando deseas comer algo dulce. Es delicioso, rico en vitaminas, nutrientes.
7 fresas
Chocolate oscuro rallado.
Amor !
Coloca las 6 fresas decorando el plato a tu gusto
Ralla o espolvorea el chocolate oscuro sobre las fresas.
Disfruta tu postre !!!

Hearty salad
This salad is nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals
chick peas
Cheese (free option)
Salt and pepper ( according to your taste , allergies or hypertension)
Preparation time 10 minutes:
Cut veggies in small pieces. Mix in a bowl. Add olive oil ( options: avocado, sesame seed oil, almond oil) Vinegar.
Enjoy it with your favorite meat and have a healthy heart.

Heading 1
Chicken Primavera
Cooking time : 30 minutes
Cur cumin
Small tomatoes
Place the chicken in a oven safe glass container and spread salt, pepper, garlic, onions and curcumin.
Place in to the oven (350 degrees) for 20 minutes and check that is almost well cook inside. Turn it over and cook for 15 minutes until is well cook inside. Cut in to pieces and elaborate a flower or butterfly to make attractive to your children.
Cut the Cucumber with slider and role it in circles to decorate. Place a half cherry tomatoes on top.
Enjoy it....

Keto friendly salad